Event Partners Secure

Organiser COVID-Secure Measures


Event Partners Secure:

Creating a Safe Space for You to do Business


The health, safety and wellbeing of our exhibitors, visitors, speakers, contractors and staff attending The Advanced Materials Show, Ceramics UK, Battery Cells & Systems Expo and Vehicle Electrification Expo in June, is our number one priority. We want to ensure that the industry as a whole retains the confidence they have in us, as the organisers, to deliver a first-class global celebration in the heart of UK manufacturing and R&D, without compromise.

We are collaborating with the venue and our supplier network, following the approved safety framework for the events industry and monitoring the latest guidance from the UK Government, to create a covid-secure meeting place for you all this Summer. 

Here is an overview of what WE will be doing to keep YOU safe:

Social/ Physical Distancing

  • The build-up period will be strictly scheduled to create a safe environment for contractors and exhibitors to prepare for the event
  • One-way systems in applicable areas of the venue
  • Revised layout in the halls with wider aisles to facilitate social distancing with ease – we ask that attendees keep left when moving through the event space
  • Larger conference theatres, B2B meeting areas and catering outlets to create suitable space between seating/ tables
  • Crowd management protocols will be in place to ensure our event capacity is in line with the latest UK Government guidance
  • We ask you to refrain from personal greetings like handshakes, hugs and high fives – we look forward to seeing new, innovative and safe greetings on the show floor!

Cleaning & Hygiene

  • Increased ventilation, where possible, to improve air circulation and quality:
    • HEPA filters are already fitted to the NEC air conditioning systems
    • The Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system has been supplemented to increase air turnovers
    • Air Handling Units (AHUs) are being upgraded throughout NEC main building to similar standard as NHS requirements
  • Hand sanitising stations throughout the event 
  • Enhanced cleaning and waste management protocols around the venue with a focus on high touch points and regularly trafficked areas like toilets and catering outlets
  • Feature locations on the show floor will be treated with an antimicrobial coating that turns any surface into an inhospitable environment for bacteria and viruses, inclusive of Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. These areas include Registration Areas, Conference Theatres, Relaxation Area, Grip B2B Meeting Areas, Organiser Office/ Exhibitor Service Desk and Speaker Prep Rooms
  • Stringent sanitising procedures onsite for AV equipment in the conference theatres to keep our industry-leading speakers and attendees safe
  • A variety of catering options will be available for purchase, including pre-packaged ‘food-to-go’; contactless/ cashless transactions will be required

Protect & Detect

  • Face coverings will be required in both the public areas and in the exhibition halls themselves;  to be supplied by the individual
    • Unless you are exempt – proof of exemption will be required
    • Unless you are seated to eat/ drink
  • Enhanced first aid and medical support onsite
  • Where social distancing cannot be maintained (e.g. manned registration desks/ information counters, catering stations etc), hygiene screens will be installed to protect both the staff and you
  • Pre-registration to attend is essential and badge printing at home is strongly encouraged to fast-track your entry into the halls and minimise queuing
  • Attendee contact details will be retained for 21 days to facilitate contact tracing if necessary, as per UK Government/ Local Authority guidance 


  • Our covid-secure measures and those of the venue and our suppliers are readily available to our event stakeholders
  • We have shared guidance with our exhibiting community, to help them create a safe on-stand environment for both their staff and our attendees
  • Our onsite signage and announcements will reiterate the importance of social distancing, face coverings and good hand hygiene
  • As we draw closer to the event, our pre-show messaging via our websites and social feeds will focus on the latest updates from the UK Government/ health organisations and our onsite policies/ protection measures

Our measures are based on the latest UK Government and events industry guidance, therefore subject to change. It is recommended you visit this page regularly to check for updates.